10 Ways To Share Fun Family Time

Having fun with your family seems like a no-brainer, but it still needs a lot of thought. Here are 10 suggestions that Casey Rose and The Joybug love to do.


  1. The Joybug loves to watch sports matches. Whether it’s football, baseball, or ice hockey, the exuberance of sporting events can be highly infectious.
  2. All of us at Joy Kids Universe go on picnics and camping trips. Get everyone to prepare check lists and help prepare the food, gear and other stuff you’ll need.
  3. Get mental. Take the family on visits to the library, museums, concerts, the theater, and other mind-stimulating places and events.
  4. Casey Rose loves to go back to nature. Take the family on field trips to forests, rivers and other nature spots. Give prizes to the one who can name the most trees, or plants and wildlife.
  5. Do charity work. Visit an orphanage, home for the aged, or hospital, and bring some gifts to share with the occupants.
  6. Attend workshops. Whether it’s about gardening, handicrafts, or cooking, learning together can be great fun for the family.
  7. Have a Game Night. Set aside one night a week (or a month) devoted to playing board games, or watching a DVD movie, complete with popcorn and snacks.
  8. Discover new places. Take the family to other parts of town, or nearby towns. Discover what these places have to offer.
  9. Invite the neighbors. Invite friends, teachers, your kids’ classmates and have everyone in the family get to know them.
  10. Get competitive. Make up games for the whole family like baking or artwork contests with prizes for the best entries.

Board the Joy Kids Express for more joyful thoughts and suggestions.

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