How To Minimize Sibling Rivalry

The important thing to remember about sibling rivalry is that it’s a normal phenomenon in families with more than one child. The next thing is that it won’t disappear completely. Finally, it’s good to realize that it can be minimized and handled. The Joy Kids Generation is here!


  • Treat your kids as individuals. Respect their personalities and differences. Don’t compare one child with another, especially when it comes to talents, skills and achievements. Give each one his or her own “private space” in the home.
  • Let children work out their differences. As long as they’re not hurting each other, leave your kids to sort out things for themselves.
  • Give each child equal time. Sibling rivalry can be caused by jealousy, insecurity or lack of attention. Make sure you spend the same one-on-one time with each child. Talk to each child about individual concerns and problems.
  • Work out a sharing system. Avoid constant squabbles over the Xbox or PlayStation, or who sits on the front seat. Develop a system that everyone can agree on about taking turns, then stick to it. Share the way Casey Rose and the Joybug do!
  • Have a lot of family activities. Spend time on planning and having meaningful family activities that encourage cooperation and teamwork. Use these occasions to show your kids how much fun it is be together.

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Meditate With Your Children

Have Fun Meditating With Your Children

Bonding with your kids usually brings to mind a day at the beach, watching a ball game, or even playing video games together. But, how about step out of the box and meditate? If you’ve found it helpful in your life, why not bring your kids into it as well. Teaching your child to practice meditation can promote positive and happy emotions.


  • Think like a child. Forget the lofty descriptions and explain meditation to your child in his own words. The more you make meditating sound like a fun activity, the better your child will enjoy it. Create meditation techniques without limits to imagining happy and joyful thoughts. Joy Kids Universe believes your child will understand and relate to meditation more on a Casey Rose level.
  • Show your child how it’s done. Sitting comfortably, breathing properly, and other meditation practices are best learned by your child if he sees how you do it. When your child sees how calm and happy you are, he’ll want to imitate what you’re doing more readily.
  • Make it a family routine. When your child associates meditation as a way of bringing you together as a family, she’ll look forward to it as a special time, and a chance to get closer to each other.

Casey Rose and The Joy Bug believe meditation is a great way to for your kids to learn about the right values. It will help them deal with the challenges and stress that they encounter and will face throughout their lives.


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