Creating Happy Childhoods

What makes your childhood a happy one?

The Irish writer John Connolly put it very vividly when he wrote: “For in every adult there dwells the child that was, and in every child there lies the adult that will be.” That’s why a happy and joyful childhood is so important for your child to become a happy adult. But what goes into the making of a happy childhood? Research has shown, and Joy Kids Universe believe that it’s not so much the childhood events that make a happy childhood; it’s how you perceive them as an adult. Here’s what’s important when you look back on your childhood.


  1. Social activities count more. The impression of a happy childhood stems more from social activities than from solitary ones. Having a party on special occasions creates an impression of a happy childhood, whereas getting toys or games does not. Likewise, bonding with family members contributes more to the impression of a happy childhood than things like playing video games or hiking and fishing. Live life joyfully!
  2. Peer acceptance matters. Even the way childhood problems are looked at involves the social aspect. Having health or school problems as a child are not viewed as an unhappy childhood. However, quarreling parents, being bullied, or left out leave an impression of an unhappy childhood. Casey Rose is so happy to have the Joybug by her side!
  3. Sharing = Happiness. The research shows that not making the team, or receiving an award don’t matter so much. For a grownup, it’s more how these were shared with, and appreciated by family and friends that make for a happy childhood.
  4. Remember, thinking happy thoughts is easy!  Ask Casey Rose and the Joybug!


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The Fruit and The Tree

The Fruit and The Tree

There’s an old saying that goes: “The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree”. We at Joy Kids Universe want your children to grow up with a pleasant personality. We believe it all starts with you showing them how it’s done.  Here are some great tips on how you can help children demonstrate pleasant behavior.  Want more tips?  Hop on board the Joy Kids Express.  


  1. Set the rules. It’s important that children know, as early as possible, what’s acceptable and non-acceptable behavior. They must know, and feel, what you – and others – expect from them and vice versa.
  2. Teach and coach. Although basic good behavior is the same everywhere, there are variations in what’s acceptable and what’s not, especially among different cultures. It’s your job to teach your children, first of all, the basics, and then the differences.
  3. Walk the Talk. A pleasant family environment is the best way to teach pleasant behavior to your children. After all, you can hardly grow fragrant roses in a garden full of weeds. Nothing beats teaching pleasant behavior by showing pleasant behavior as part of your daily life. Even when you’re under stress.  Our weekly Joy Kids Express can help!
  4. It’s a work in process. Don’t forget that your child is still in the process of learning what is acceptable and pleasant behavior. Be patient, use discipline intelligently; encourage, support, and reward your child in the process.

The right mix of love, guidance and techniques will go a long way to make your child develop pleasant behavior.

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