Who Am I?


Have you ever asked yourself, “Who am I?”  At some point, I bet you’ve considered this question and the answer may have come to you.  As you ponder the answer, consider whether you are living your life within the confines of this answer, if you are living in your ‘now’, or if you are projecting a desired ‘future self’.  Deeper thought may have you wondering if the answer is your spiritual purpose or destiny?  Lots of possibilities to consider as a result of asking one little question.  Let’s contemplate for the moment that there is no right or wrong answer.  Who you are is ever changing based on the choices you make throughout your day and throughout your life.  That makes the question, “Who am I?” a little easier to answer, doesn’t it?  Let me explain further.

Think of the choices that we must make as every aspect of our life unfolds around us.  If we are a parent and we choose to work late versus arriving home in time to tuck our toddler into bed, we’ve chosen career over family in that one moment.  Don’t beat yourself up over this choice.  Instead, notice how it makes you feel.  If you feel in a positive mood over this choice then it is the right choice in that moment for you.  If you feel unsettled as a result of this choice than you may want to reconsider your options next time.  None of us can unlock our true potential or realize our dreams if we keep making choices that make us feel ill at ease or if we make choices to appease others.  On the contrary, we can rise like shooting stars in every area of our life – family, career, abundance, relationships, and so on when our the choices we make soothe our soul and make us feel happy!

Positive Life PathBefore every choice, however, there must be a thought.  Our minds work so quickly to evaluate every scenario we face.  Because you have a supercomputer brain, it is important to keep your thoughts positive and nurturing and loving and compassionate.  A happy brain will choose the happiest options.  Remember, what we think about is what shapes our reality.  As we shape our reality we are also playing a role in shaping the behavior of those around us.  Children, friends, coworkers and total strangers will react to your thoughts.  Yes.  To your thoughts.  If you’re thinking in a joyful way, the choices you make and your overall behavior will be more cheerful.  And so on; and so on.

Change your life for the better (for you).  Shape your choices with your positive thoughts.  Influence your daily experiences and the lives of those around you (your children).  You’re in the driver’s seat.  Take the wheel.  Zip along that newly paved asphalt, smoothly and confidently.

Now ask yourself, Who am I?”  The answer is easy.  You are the creator of your positive, happy, abundant, magnificent life!

Do you have some thoughts of your own on this topic?  Please leave your comments below.

By, Joanne Henig, President & Co-Founder
Joy Kids Universe, LLC
The Law of Attraction for Kids
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