Living In Gratitude


Many Share The Joy readers have a similar commitment to living a life of purpose and self-improvement.  One central component towards living this type of lifestyle is gratitude, or practicing gratefulness.  Although gratitude is an easy concept to understand, it is not always easy to put into practice or to even ‘live’ every day.  Unfortunately many of you have days and moments where you ‘believe’ that the circumstances surrounding your day determines your mood or has you behaving poorly.  However, even in those misaligned moments there are always reasons for gratitude.

Gratitude is simply finding appreciation in your surroundings, showing kindness towards all things on Earth and taking time to express thanks.

Demonstrating gratitude while in the company of children helps a child learn to live in gratitude. It builds a firm foundation and is a life-skill that will carry them far beyond their wildest dreams.  More importantly, your child will go through life with great purpose stemming from gratitude rather than just existing as part of the ‘norm’.

family_gratitudeThink of all the things in your life that you can express gratitude towards.  Your home or apartment, your friends, your parents, your co-workers, your morning coffee or tea, your senses, your child!  All things, both large and small, have the ability to attract gratitude into your heart.

Let me challenge you.  For the next 7 days, until my next post, I challenge you to create a life of gratitude together with your children and to perform acts of gratitude openly towards all things on Earth in the company of your children.  Whether you are a parent, grandparent, teacher, aunt, uncle or in the presence of a child – purposefully express gratitude for all to see and hear.

Here are some ideas to get you started, but remember, this challenge is for 7 days so choose wisely ‘grasshopper’.  Strong ‘grasshoppers’ may choose all 4!

1.) Write down or speak of 5 things daily that you are grateful for each night before you turn out the lights.

2.) Inspire one person each day to push through a moment of difficulty.

3.) Explore a new place or idea each day.

4.) Both you and your child share this challenge with a friend.

Do you want to make meaningful change in the world?  Do you hope for your child to be part of the Joy Kids Generation?  This is where it all begins.  With gratitude.  You are a superior world changer when you demonstrate gratitude in the company of a child and when that child brings that attitude of gratitude into the world around them.

Do you have some thoughts of your own on this topic? Please leave your comments below.

Discover more helpful tips and ways to express gratitude and joy with the Joy Kids Express.  It’s FREE and takes 1 minute to read.  You have 1 minute, right ‘grasshopper’?  The world is depending on you!

By, Joanne Henig, Co-Founder
Joy Kids Universe, LLC
The Law of Attraction for Kids
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