Patient Parenting


I’ve never pretended to be the most patient in relation to parenting – but it was always one of my goals.  As a result, once dedicated to patience I slowly morphed into a fairly patient parent and raised some pretty amazing kids who are now productive adults.  Every parent loses their patience.  It is unavoidable and it is part of our humanness.  Our children are not perfect and neither are we as parents.

I believe that patience can be developed over time just like any other habit.  Good habits require your attention to ultimately see them manifest into your reality.  What better a habit could there be than to become a patient parent?

Here are some techniques that may guide your parenting skills towards patience:

Count to ten.  This is an easy one.  When you feel frustrated or angry, pause. Count slowly, in your head, to ten.  When you’ve reach the number ten you will notice that you have given yourself room to pause, reassess a situation and your anger will have subsided a great deal.  If things are really out of control, add deep breathing while counting to ten in your head.  Breathe away every ounce of anger until it has left the room.

Here’s another one.  Try keeping a notepad nearby and write down any situations that are causing you to parent in a non-patient manner.  Notice if you see a pattern of behavior from either you or your child that is creating impulsive, angry responses.  This will assist you in developing ways to avoid bad reaction behavior patterns or situations that cause bad behavior in the first place.

How about a time out for the child.  A break for you.  You all may just need to take a break from the situation for a few minutes.  Everybody just calm down.  As a parent, during this break, plan your words, actions and decisions.  Reconnect with your child and calmly talk through the situation.  Finish with a hug.

Never stop teaching with love and compassion in your heart.  Our children mimic us.  Therefore, if you are aggressive in your parenting approach your child will reflect that pattern of behavior right back at you.  Remember, non of us learn things on our first try.  Find new ways to teach with love and compassion and patience.

Laugh.  Smile.  Let go.  Nobody is perfect, you have to enjoy this time with our kids.  Life should be fun – and funny.  Be happy.

Do you have some tips of your own on developing patience? Let us know in the comments.

Joy Kids Universe, LLC
The Energy of Attraction for Children
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It All Starts With Self Love

It All Starts With Loving Yourself

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the universe, deserve your love and affection”. Although those are the words of The Buddha, they are the way of life of the Joy Kids Universe kids and their families. Somehow, loving yourself has taken on some negative connotations like narcissism or selfishness. But, there’s enough science to show that, if you don’t start with loving yourself, you won’t get very far showing love to others.


So, how do you love yourself? Well, you do it the same you love others – a Joy Kids Universe belief, showing love without judgement.

  • Think good things about yourself. Focus on your strengths and good traits. If you think you have any faults (and who doesn’t?), do something to correct them.
  • Make yourself look good. Exercise, stay healthy, and keep fit. Dress comfortably and in a style that makes you feel attractive.
  • Gift yourself. Buy things for yourself that make you happy, like these “Olive You” Gratitude Bracelets. Eat food that you like, in places that you enjoy. Go on holidays, weekend sorties, and attend events where you can have fun.
  • Forgive yourself. We all trip up once in a while. When you do, don’t let it eat at you. Find out why, get over it, then move on and keep on loving yourself.

You can’t give what you don’t have. So, if you want to love your family, friends and others, start out by learning to freely and joyfully love yourself each day!


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Copyright, Joy Kids Universe, LLC
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The Fruit and The Tree

The Fruit and The Tree

There’s an old saying that goes: “The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree”. We at Joy Kids Universe want your children to grow up with a pleasant personality. We believe it all starts with you showing them how it’s done.  Here are some great tips on how you can help children demonstrate pleasant behavior.  Want more tips?  Hop on board the Joy Kids Express.  


  1. Set the rules. It’s important that children know, as early as possible, what’s acceptable and non-acceptable behavior. They must know, and feel, what you – and others – expect from them and vice versa.
  2. Teach and coach. Although basic good behavior is the same everywhere, there are variations in what’s acceptable and what’s not, especially among different cultures. It’s your job to teach your children, first of all, the basics, and then the differences.
  3. Walk the Talk. A pleasant family environment is the best way to teach pleasant behavior to your children. After all, you can hardly grow fragrant roses in a garden full of weeds. Nothing beats teaching pleasant behavior by showing pleasant behavior as part of your daily life. Even when you’re under stress.  Our weekly Joy Kids Express can help!
  4. It’s a work in process. Don’t forget that your child is still in the process of learning what is acceptable and pleasant behavior. Be patient, use discipline intelligently; encourage, support, and reward your child in the process.

The right mix of love, guidance and techniques will go a long way to make your child develop pleasant behavior.

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Copyright, Joy Kids Universe, LLC
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